Extra little blog. From Jan 2018! – Unfinished.

So, today.. Its mid way through the new year and I must admit that its been a pretty great start so far. Of course with the ups and downs that come with a new year, well every single time something in your life changes, there will always be someone who tries to disturb your peace.…

I Prevail

Its been a pretty year since I wrote in last. Okay that is a complete lie. Its now 2019!! How on earth did that happen? Oh wait I know, I just forgot about it and the time has absolutely flown past. So... An update, for the few that actually might read this?  A lot has…


So... Hey everyone. Damn, its been while hasn't it? 7 months or so now. Well there is an explanation for this and its pretty simple. I met my partner Ricky. For obvious reason I won't put his full name on here due to fraud, ect. But he is simply amazing. We met up on the…


Hey everyone!  I hope everyone in the UK enjoyed the gorgeous weather we all had yesterday? Meant to be even better today... Keep your sun cream topped up and your water by your side🙊 I can't talk for the sun cream, I am burnt to a crisp. On the upside I did continue to drink…


Hey everyone, So my first is this blog right here. My First OFFICIAL blog. And your reading it. I did post before this one but I was just introducing myself, this one I have no idea where I'll be going with it, but we will just see where I end up. Lets begin with; 23rd…

Hey :)

Hello, So I started this blog to really tell everyone about my experiences with everything. Most people like to vlog, which I had considered but I have a passion for writing and reading so I decided a blog would be much better for me. I was thinking about doing this anonymously but then I decided…